“MotherF#$ers ain’t taking this sh$t no more. F@#k him, f@#k you, f$%k that, f%^k CNN” is what blared through my instagram screen like cannon shots Tuesday evening. Fifteen seconds was all it took to capture the emotion of minorities who have lived through a generational war on their humanity. Fifteen seconds was ample time to do what so many frustrated youth want to with mainstream America’s biased media coverage. No editing could filter out the blistering statement made by a courageous protester a few days ago. Baltimore is one of a handful of cities in the U.S. which could be labeled a black powder keg, and in the case of Freddie Gray the evidence is all there.
How did the fuse get lit? There are exactly 26 bones in the spine, and judging by the medical reports, the police involved in the execution of Freddie Gray, snapped the ones in his neck like a chicken box wing, eventually ending his 25 years of life. “Freddie black”, as he was affectionately called, committed what we black folks consider being caught on the wrong day, at the wrong time, with the wrong skin color. Reports say Gray shot a “suspicious” glance at officers before taking off running. His only mistake was not taking speed training with the Ravens.
However, we are going to have a massive group of critics say that if Freddie wasn’t guilty Freddie should have stayed still. For starters, our humble tax money has payed about 6,000,000 dollars in lawsuits involving police misconduct. In 2007 Venus Green an 87 year old grandmother was pummeled by authorities despite begging for mercy. She received a settlement of $95,000. I’m pretty sure Gray didn’t know this fact off the top of his head, but Gray made a decision based on a long history of state sponsored terrorism.
Terrorism defined by America is “the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal”. Police in Baltimore beat and kill like it’s an olympic sport. It’s hard to know if it’s for politics or a good laugh. I’ve seen with my own two eyes knockers (slang for heavily armed ufc fighters with badges) stomp teeth out in alleyways for cardio. It’s no secret that a walk down the street could mean having your testacles groped or catching a baton to the temple. And you better not look anywhere near muscular.
Police wander through Baltimore neighborhoods like toddlers afraid of their own shadows equipped with all the stereotypes necessary to make piss poor decisions. These are the people we expect to think straight. What’s occurring right now in the streets of “Charm City” is natural when communities are living under Gaza strip like occupation.
What’s eerie about this incident is the complete fumbling by the Mayor and police officials in gathering info that might calm the field negroes down. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake caught a media haymaker Tuesday night unable to give CNN anchor Anderson Cooper an honest answer. She had been questioned about the lack of testimony regarding Gray’s unusual death. What Blake replied with was a series of “I don’t knows, but we are working on its”. It’s all proof that media has become the laughing stock of this generation and Blake confirmed what millenials specifically believe, that is mainstream media is disneyland. So not only do we have an uncontrollable population at large now, but one that can’t be swayed by reruns of political blabber. So as long as cell-phone towers are functional, prepare for news outlets to get verbally abused because social media gives the public its own news. “Smalltimore” is too connected, too crowded, too poor, and too black for this to be swept under the rug.
Baltimore City’s population is roughly 600,000, 70% of whom are African American. And for single moms the poverty rate is a disturbing 40%. Must be those darn thugs having babies huh? If they could only pull their pants up and get a job. Victim blaming is an easy scapegoat for Americans. But just how does a “mass” of people navigate slums by design, drug epidemics by design, and a for-profit prison industrial complex. I guess if Jews had better lung capacity they could have survived the gas. Author Michelle Alexander proved in the New Jim Crow that the “gas” is institutional racism.
Baltimore is literally a maze for young blacks and only the strong survive. What we’re witnessing are the outcries of the majority of people who failed at being superhuman. And to not be superhuman in the ghetto means misery. This isn’t a small population of Southerners, it’s a city with a black heartbeat like base drums. Officials should have answers sooner than later. Freddie has a community asking what has never been asked, “who built the ghetto Freddie died in?.” This is a watershed moment for the American police occupation. Big media is powerless in the age of information, and we no longer believe anything politicians say. So a city is collectively screaming “we ain’t taking this sh%t no more!”